Thursday, June 4, 2015

Joanna & Joel | Hills and Dales, Dayton, OH | Engagement

I met Joanna & Joel just a few months before their June wedding.  She's a nurse.  He's a videographer/journalist for a Christian based organization.  Joel is the epitome of a doting spouse and Joanna insisted that the timeline has to include a trip to the ball field so that Joel can have a shot on the field with his groomsmen.  They love each other.  And, they are both givers.  Their wedding registry request gives you a glimpse of them better than I could ever explain, so here it is.

 "While weddings are a great celebration and there are a great many traditions that come along with them, Joel and I hold a special place in our hearts for others. "We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19 Therefore it is our conviction that there is more out there. We are privileged in many ways and have too much to not give back. It is out of our love for Christ that we feel compelled to love others. With all of the hurt, pain and suffering in the world, what is a man if he does not reach out to his brother? In a charge against injustice, knowing that change starts with now, and that God has appointed his people to be advocates for those who cannot help themselves, Joel and I want to challenge you to consider giving to one of these charities in our honor.
Engage Burkina, Inc.
- To help build a well for clean water for the citizens of Burkina Faso, Africa. In order to prevent from water-spread diseases such as disentary, malaria, general dehydration. Goal: to build one well to better a community long term! through the Christian Missionary Alliance. (CMA)"

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